Corneal Regeneration Using Adipose‐Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Cells Published: 16 August 2022 Title: Corneal Regeneration Using Adipose‐Derived [...]
Cells Published: 16 August 2022 Title: Corneal Regeneration Using Adipose‐Derived [...]
WONCA2022: ID - Title: ID 1154 - Comparing the diagnostic [...]
Velasco, V; Mena, L; Vázquez, A; Sobas, E; López, MI; [...]
Predictive factors for improvement in anatomical and functional outcomes of [...]
Optical coherence tomography and clinical baseline characteristics as predictive biomarkers [...]
Automatic diabetic retinopathy severity grading using digital image processing algorithms. [...]
Diabetic retinopathy screening by teleophthalmology in a rural area. WONCA [...]
Comparison of Logistic Regression and Neural Network Classifiers in the [...]
Realce de retinografías mediante la aplicación de métodos basados en [...]
25-26/11/2011 XXXIII Congreso Anual de la Asociación Oftalmológica del Norte. [...]